(a congregation of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod)
We are no longer producing regular worship videos.
Archived worship videos can be found at:
https://www.facebook.com/ImmanuelEvLutheranChurch/ (you have to scroll down some)
Here are some suggestions for us to stay in the Word and Worship online:
(They are all active links. Just hover over any of them and left click.)
1 - Subscribe WELS Daily Devotions at: https://wels.net/serving-you/devotions/daily-devotions/
2 - Watch live or archived worship at:
Time Of Grace - timeofgrace.org
Immanuel Lutheran in Greenville - immluth.org or facebook.com/ImmanuelGreenville
Mt Olive Lutheran in Appleton - mountoliveappleton.com or facebook.com/mountoliveappleton
or watch any congregation listed from WELS - yearbook.wels.net/streaming
3 - Commit to a regular Bible reading plan -
There is a 3-Year Plan from WELS - wels.net/bible3/03-0318db/
and there are various plans from YouVersion - youversion.com/the-bible-app/
Church Email: immev@centurytel.net
Church Phone: 920-984-3116